2024澳洲幸运十开奖视频直播:实时结果号码与历史查询一网打尽! Create Beautiful .NET Apps Faster

Open-source platform for building single codebase native mobile, web, desktop and embedded apps quickly

Your choice of OS, IDE, state management, design systems. Use only what works for you.

Visual Studio or VS Code XAML  & C# Hot Reload built-in. One-click Figma design exports.

Reuse 100’s of .NET UI components or 1st party native controls for beautiful apps.

Pixel-perfect, Material, Fluent or Cupertino-themed apps on all platforms.

1 m+

NuGet Downloads

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6 k+

GitHub Stars

10 k+

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1 m+

NuGet Downloads

100 +


6 k+

GitHub Stars

10 k+

Twitter Followers

澳洲幸运十开奖视频直播-开奖直播结果号码:通过实时视频直播,获取最新一期的开奖结果,第一时间了解中奖号码,不错过任何精彩瞬间。 Flexible to Your Preferences

Use only parts you need. Extend as you please.
Bring your tools

Develop From Anywhere Using Your Favorite IDE 

Use familiar editors like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or Rider 

C# or XAML for UI Development

Build polished cross-platform UI with concise declarative UI markup using a modern XAML-centric syntax or declarative-style C# Markup.

Model-View-Update-eXtended (MVUX)

Get all the benefits of Reactive, Immutable and Declarative presentation, as well as state management., but with the additional benefit of easy testing provided by decoupling Views from Models and Updates. Read more.

Ultimate Productivity Using
Tools of Your Choice

Build Cross-Platform apps, fast.

C# and XAML Hot Reload in both Visual Studio and VS Code

Build UI and features quickly while instantaneously seeing the impact of your changes on the emulator or device.

Generate C# or XAML Markup in Seconds

Create applications true to the way they were designed to look and behave. Get clean, responsive XAML or C# tailored to your brand guidelines. Read more about our Figma plugin.

Solution Template Wizard

Get running in minutes. Easily configure your project to your exact preferences. Select as many or as few Uno Platform features as you’d like.

Rich UI, Fast

Reuse ecosystem and native capabilities.
The choice is yours

Reuse Hundreds of UI Controls 

Streamline the development process by creating stunning web, mobile, and desktop apps using a single codebase with hundreds of UI components available from WinUI, Windows Community Toolkit, 3rd-party providers, and the Uno Toolkit

Native Features & Performance

Easily provide user-familiar native UIs and features such as Payments, Clipboard, Magnifiers, Ads, Biometry, Password Managers and more.
Productivity multiplier

Uno Platform Extensions

Battle tested cross-platform code blocks for commonly used functions like authentication, navigation, reactive and many more.

Beautiful UI, Fast

Brand enforcement

Easily Theme
Your Apps

Control the look and feel of your UI components to fit any brand or application style. Read more.
Feel right at home

Bring Your Custom Components

Reuse work you did on previous apps
or design systems. 
You are in good company

澳洲幸运10在线开奖结果查询168-历史开奖号码查询:介绍一个方便快捷的在线查询平台,让您随时随地了解澳洲幸运十的开奖结果。一手掌握历史开奖记录,分析走势,制定更为科学的投注策略。 Seeing is believing

Discover Uno Platform through two full, free, step-by-step workshops